Amendments can be categorized under three groups
- Amendments in the Member Names
- Amendments in the NIC numbers
- Amendments in the Member Accounts
A. Amendments in the Member Names
Reasons for amending Member Names
- Discrepancies in the initials of a member name.
- Addition or deletion of initials of the name.
- The initials are not in the correct order.
- Discrepancies of the names denoted by initials.
- Another member’s name has been mistakenly used instead of the correct name.
- Use of new names instead of the name given in the birth certificate.
- Change of name by the member under section 13 of the birth certificate or after marriage.
- Use of false names or nicknames.
- Payment of contributions for many members under a same number.
Amending Member Names
The names can be amended only according to the name appearing on the NIC and the following steps should be taken depending on the nature of the amendment:
- The name amendment request should be sent along with certified copies of “B” Card, National Identity Card and Birth Certificate.
- If the name appears in the “B” Card is different from the NIC name, the “B” Card should be amended with the recommendation of the District Labour Commissioner and the Database at the Labour Department should be amended from the Central Filing Section, Department of Labour, 9th Floor, Narahenpita, Colombo 05.
- A letter from the employer confirming the old or incorrect name and the new or correct name with a proof of identity and a request to amend the name should be sent to the Superintendent, EPF Department, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Colombo 01.
- In the case of a total name change, member’s total contribution details from the beginning of work till the end should be sent along with the letter of request.
- For changes due to marriage, or change in Birth Certificate, the copies of all birth/ marriage certificates and legal documents certified by the employer should be sent.
- If the previous employer is no longer active, the members should get the advice from the Department of Labour.
- In case of an amendment to a deceased member’s name, the beneficiaries should get the advice from the Department of Labour, “L” division, 8th Floor, Narahenpita, Colombo 05.
Please kindly note that EPF Department might request further information and documents to proceed the amendment depending on the nature of the amendment.
B. Amendments in the National Identity Card (NIC) Numbers
Reasons for amending NIC numbers
- Incorrect NIC number being added to the member.
- Change of NIC number with the issue of new NIC.
- Another member’s NIC number has been mistakenly used for the correct/incorrect name.
- Same NIC number being added to several members.
Amending NIC numbers
The following steps should be taken depending on the nature of the amendment:
- The amendment request should be sent along with certified copies of : “B” Card, National Identity Card and Birth Certificate.
- If the NIC number appears in the “B” Card is different from the NIC number, the “B” Card should be amended with the recommendation of the District Labour Commissioner and the Database at the Labour Department should be amended from the Central Filing Section, Department of Labour, 9th Floor, Narahenpita, Colombo 05.
- A letter from the employer confirming the old or incorrect NIC number and the new or correct NIC number with a proof of identity and a request to amend the number should be sent to the Superintendent, EPF Department, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Colombo 01.
- In the case of a same NIC number being added to several members, all members’ total contribution details from the beginning of work till the end should be sent along with the letter of request.
- If the new NIC number is different with the old NIC number a letter from the Department of Registration of Persons confirming the old and new NIC numbers should be submitted along with the employer request and other relevant documents.
- If the previous employer is no longer active, the members should get the advice from the Department of Labour.
- In case of an amendment to a deceased members’ NIC number the beneficiaries should get the advice from the Department of Labour, “L” division, 8th Floor, Narahenpita, Colombo 05.
- Please kindly note that EPF Department might request further information and documents to proceed the amendment depending on the nature of the amendment.
C. Amendments in the Member Accounts
Reasons for amending Member Accounts
- Discrepancies in the member contributions.
- Clear the dummy numbers created due to name & NIC mismatches.
- Payment of contributions for many members under a same number or for a member under different numbers.
- Payment of contributions credited to the refunded account.
Amending Member Accounts
The following steps should be taken depending on the nature of the amendment:
- A letter from the employer requesting for necessary account amendments should be addressed to the Superintendent, EPF Department, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Colombo 01. Such request should be sent along with the certified copies of NIC, “B” Card and Birth Certificate.
- Name on NIC and “B” Card should be same, if not “B” Card need to be amended according to NIC.
- Complete monthly contribution details from the beginning of employment to end of employment need to be submitted for all the employees relevant to the amendment according to attached format.
- If contributions have been credited for many members under same number or for a member under different numbers, a complete contribution details and correct member numbers need to be clearly mentioned in the letter along with the certified copies of ”B” Cards.
- If the contributions credited to refunded account, new member number need to be created to transfer the contributions credited after the first payment. Attach “B” Card for new number.
- If the employer is no longer active, an advice letter from Deputy Labour Commissioner / Labour Officer should be submitted along with the other relevant documents .
- In the case of deceased member, if NIC and “B” Card not available, an advice letter obtainedfrom Deputy Labour Commissioner / Labour Officer, Labour Department, “L” Division – 8th Floor, Narahenpita, Colombo 05 needs to be submitted.
- Please kindly note that EPF Department might request further information and documents to proceed the amendment depending on the nature of the amendment.
Download the Format for Total Contribution Detail Letter of Request