Becoming a Member

Becoming a member

An employee is entitled of membership in the EPF from the first day of his employment. It is the employer’s responsibility to enroll the employee in the EPF and it is also the employee’s responsibility to prompt the employer to do so.

Who is eligible for membership?
  • The nature of the job is irrelevant. All employees should be enrolled whether they are permanent, temporary, apprentice, casual or shift workers.
  • Employees working on piece rate, contract basis, commission basis, work performed basis or any other manner.
  • Employees who are employed in government sector and local authorities on temporary basis.
  • Although it is not necessary to pay contributions for the establishments which are maintained by family members, an outside employee recruited to the same business should be enrolled in the EPF from the date of recruitment.
  • Directors and partners, if they receive a salary/ allowance for their services.
  • Those serving in some establishment even if the person who receives pension.
  • School children above the age of 14 employed after school hours.
  • Those serving in a different organization while already being employed in one establishment.
  • Those engaged for a limited time in job with a short duration.
  • Those engaged in employment again (in the same establishment as the previous or in another), after receipt of refund of benefits once.
  • Those from abroad, engaged in employment locally.
Registration to the EPF
  • You should register as a member in the Employee’s Provident Fund within 14 days of recruitment. Inquire from your employer regarding the registration.
  • It is required to use the information as stated in your National Identity Card, when completing ‘A’ , ‘B’ and ‘H’ forms.
  • Check your ‘B’ card after receiving it and if there is any correction to be done; try to make the amendments as soon as possible through your employer.
  • It is required ‘B’ card keeps securely until receipt of EPF benefits.
  • When you are switching to a new employer, support the new employer in completing ‘A’,’B’ and ‘H’ forms and RR-6 form with accurate information relating to the National Identity Card and the initial contribution details.
Nominating a beneficiary for the refund of benefits

A beneficiary could be nominated at the time of registration in the EPF. “Form-H” is used to nominate one or several beneficiaries given that the nominator provides sufficient details regarding the share each nominee is entitled to.

  • An unmarried person may nominate anyone.
  • A married person may nominate immediate family members including spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters.
Re-nominating Beneficiaries

It is possible to cancel an existing nomination and re-nominate beneficiaries at any given time. Duly completed “Form-J” should be sent to the Labour Office of the area where you live for re-nominating beneficiaries.

Canceling beneficiaries

A nomination of beneficiaries could be cancelled at any given time. Duly completed “Form-I” should be sent to the relevant Labour Office.

  • A nomination effected before marriage is automatically canceled upon marriage.
  • When a minor is nominated, a guardian may be appointed and will be paid benefits. When the minor attains maturity the guardian’s nomination is automatically canceled.
  • When a member dies without nominating a beneficiary, the benefits will be paid according to a court order under the Inheritance of Property Act.
Leaving Employment
  • In the event of leaving employment, “Form-E” should be filled and submitted to the respective employer to inform to the Labour Office.
Confirmation of balance of EPF member account
  • Half yearly statement for every individual member will be sent through the employer by EPF/CBSL.
  • Keep the half yearly statements safely in your possession.
  • Be attentive whether the contributions are credited to your member account monthly.
  • Members, who have inactive/dormant/non-operational/idle accounts to which contributions are not remitted currently, are facilitated to obtain balance sheets in ways mentioned below by presenting National Identity Card and relevant B Cards.
    1. By requesting in writing
      1. E. P. F. Help Desk,
      2. E. P. F. Department,
      3. Lloyd’s Building,
      4. No. 13,
      5. Sir Baron Jayathilaka Mawatha,
      6. Colombo 01.


    1. By Presence / By Visiting
        • Inquiry Counter
          1. Lloyd’s Building,
          2. No. 13,
          3. Sir Baron Jayathilaka Mawatha,
          4. Colombo 01.
        • From every district office of Labor Department
        • Regional offices of Central Bank of Sri Lanka


    1. By requesting through electronic media

The information needed such as member number, employer’s number, and member name should be correctly and clearly indicated and submitted with a soft copy of “B” card and N. I. C. in order to get a balance sheet, to the e-mail address :(

    1. By requesting through/via Short Message Services (SMS)
      • Member who wish to obtain this facility are required to register with EPF/CBSL.
      • Registered members can get their E. P. F. account balance to his/her mobile as/via a short message (SMS).

      SMS registration form link